Department of Defense Excess Property Program
Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO)
-The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes the Secretary of Defense to transfer excess Department of Defense (DoD) personal property to local law enforcement agencies with special emphasis given to counter-drug and counterterrorism. The 1033 program (formerly the 1208 program) allows law enforcement agencies to receive DOD excess property. Vehicle and Asset Management, through an agreement between the Defense Logistics Agency and the State of Tennessee, has been charged with administration of the program.
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) defines eligible participants for the 1033 Program as government agencies whose primary function is the enforcement of applicable federal, state, and local laws, and whose compensated law enforcement officers have powers of arrest and apprehension.
All DoD excess property can be used for counter-drug and other law enforcement activities with the exception of the operation of jails.
This applies to all property acquired in the future or any property previously acquired through the DoD 1033 Program.
The program allows representatives to be eligible to screen military bases for excess DoD property suitable for law enforcement use.